Mickey Mouse in: Frantic Frenzies introduces a mod centered around the Suicide Mouse's Backstory, exploring both his perspective with New Story, Characters and more. Created by MolkeyXML in collaboration with Mekabun.
Mickey and Minnie were enjoying a perfect day on Mickey's steamboat, basking in the beautiful weather and each other's company. However, their idyllic date took a tragic turn. As the day drew to a close, Mickey began losing control of the steamboat. A sudden storm erupted, with fierce waves battering the vessel, ultimately causing it to crash. Mickey awoke on the shore amidst scattered wood and broken pieces of the boat. Panic set in as he thought of Minnie. Desperately searching for her, he found her lifeless body among the wreckage. The sight of Minnie dead was a shock too immense to bear, and Mickey was overcome with sorrow, unable to do anything but cry and cry.